Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Fashion fades, only style remains the same" -coco chanel.

 Hello my fellow friends! my new entry consists of different styles...yet another fashion post! i went shopping 2 days ago at Good-Will in the Bronx,  Goodwill stores feature gently-used and new items for a very cheap price (trust me i am talking about cheap cheap cheap), they have a ton of different types of clothing & this gave me the idea for my new blog post. I found pictures of clothing i would wear and  girls with different styles (all in which i will wear). so here it is...please subscribe and comment! your support is highly appreciated! kisses!!

A tight jean black dress with booties =) my first style just because i love this tight jean dress!

"La la land"

"And im going to stand under the prettiest tree in the garden.. and wait for you"

"we like to party"

"Color Play"

"When i said walk, i meant you"


 "she lives in a fairy tale, somewhere too far for us to find"

"So we’re bound to linger on..."

"Dancing the whole way home."

"Dressing up Box"

"Simple Isn't Always Bad."

"Round in Circles"

"In Bloom."

"so they say "ignorance is bliss!"

"before the show"


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